Category Archives: Link Envy

Craving calm

I’ve been getting outside more to walk. The days are still cold, sometimes unkind, but they’re redeemed by the sun making a more regular appearance. The warmth feels good on my face, and it’s got me dreaming of the new seeds I’m going to plant and the healing tea garden that will soon come to life in my backyard.   

Whether I’m walking in my neighbourhood or on the Bruce Trail, there is a recognizable silence that comforts me. I hear only my own footsteps, the birds chirruping, and the sound of squirrels rustling up dinner prep. Few people are out yet doing yard chores in the cold, with the exception of our 80-year-old neighbour who can always find a way to make me feel like the laziest human. 

Most days, I spend my time on a device, on a project, on a mission, always go-go-go. It can be an internal skirmish, as I’m a person who craves calm. So, at the end of the day, I attempt to lace up my hikers, and get myself outside. The silence of the outdoors helps me function, it unlocks my mind to new ideas, new recipes, dreams—you name it. 

Scientists who study brain scans already know that moments of creativity take place when the mind is at rest. When I’m outside or simply relaxing, I can feel my brain begin to free itself. So naturally, I find myself craving slower living. One activity that has been cultivating calm for me is seeking inspiration in other artists—artists who embody relaxation and share this special ability with the world. Here are a handful of my favourites, in case you too can benefit from their stories.

Maria and the Forest – An artist, educator, and filmmaker sharing her interest in plants, foraging, and rural life in the countryside of Norway.

The Cottage Fairy – A quiet cottage fairy seeking a gentle life as an artist and writer in rural Washington State.

Martijn Doolaard – A photographer, filmmaker and travel writer from the Netherlands living in the Italian Alps.

Mother the Mountain Farm – Sisters caring for a regenerative farm on Bundjalung Country on the East Coast of Australia.

I hope you can find calm in these stories, and be brave enough to give your brain leisure. It is this that will help you carry your ideas, your writing projects, perhaps even your career, to the next level. As the weather starts to warm, my aim is to get outside daily. You might even see me carrying a basket, as my YouTube friends have all inspired me to forage in the nearby woods.

Thank you, Maria, Paola, Martijn, Julia, and Anastasia. Keep posting, you are an inspiration!

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Filed under Blogging, Inspiration, Link Envy, Vlog

Link Envy

It’s that time of week again and if these links were margaritas, we’d all be in rehab by now.

Restless Lori:
Everyday Fiction
This online magazine specializes in bringing you fine fiction in bite-size doses. Every day, they publish a new short story of 1000 words or fewer that can be read during your lunch hour, on transit, or even over breakfast. This is a great way to get some publishing credits. And to keep things interesting, readers vote for stories (although nobody is voted off the site).

The Good Greatsby
Here I thought I’d discovered the greatest humour writer and I see that Ironic Mom already has dibs on him. Dammit! Go and read about the things he carries in his pocket for the sole purpose of confusing the police in the event of his untimely death.

Restless Maria:
Online Etymology Dictionary
This website draws on classic sources such as the “Oxford English Dictionary” (OED) and “The Dictionary of American Slang.”

A Writer’s Guide
Check out the word origins posts, like a recent one for the origins of the word April.

The Grammarphobia Blog
The authors respond to questions about the origins of words and phrases, like “the cat’s pajamas.”

Restless Bjas:
Kinda loving this new portal highlighting the best environmental blogging across the WordPress community.

On the green theme this week. Check out TreeHugger’s up-to-the-minute blog dedicated to driving sustainability mainstream. Check out BookHugger while you’re there!

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Filed under Friday Links, Link Envy

Link Envy

Here’s this week’s catalogue of blogs, websites, resources and other things that make our socks roll up and down.

Restless Lori:

Lori is on hiatus this week, and will be back next week, after she has eaten her weight in guacamole.

Restless Maria:

If you write short stories or essays, you get that literary journals are important as a place to break through as a writer. There are so many journals in North America that writers can submit to and enjoy. Here are three Canadian journals that are on my reading pile right now. To learn more, consult the current Writer’s Market, or read the featured profile in Writer’s Digest.

The Antigonish Review
Founded in 1970 and supported by St. Francis Xavier University, this “eclectic review” features poetry, fiction and book reviews. Also watch for their annual poetry and fiction contests.

Descant is a highly acclaimed quarterly journal, founded in 1970 and published out of Toronto. Watch for book news, launches, contests, and even intern opportunities.

On Spec
I’ve been a subscriber to this “Canadian magazine of the fantastic” for years. On Spec is the perfect mix of stories, artwork and interviews.

Restless Bjas:

New Scientist
This mag is an obsession of mine. If you write any kind of sci-fi, check this out. It will inspire the heck out of you!

Literary Rambles
If you’re writing Middle Grade (MG) or Young Adult (YA) fiction, you may already know about this site. If not, you totally should! Casey McCormick is an aspiring author, agent intern, blogger, wife, and mom. She’s an awesome part of the kidlit community and a founding member of WriteOnCon. Best part about her site is the popular Agent Spotlight series.

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Filed under Friday Links, Link Envy

Link Envy

Here are some links that make us swoon like a forty twelve-year-old at a Bieber concert:

Restless Lori:

Four Chicks and a Muse
These chicks are hardcore. They are blogging (and vlogging!) their way through Julia Cameron’s “Walking in this World: The Practical Art of Creativity.”

Here’s how it works:

  1. The 4 Chicks read a chapter.
  2. The Chicks meet and discuss the chapter.
  3. Over the next month or so, the Chicks do the tasks in the chapter and blog about it along the way.
  4. You’re invited to do the same and/or comment on the blog, sharing your own experiences and Chick Stories.

Men With Pens
We love pens almost as much as we love men, so obviously this is a site for us. I recently enjoyed a piece focusing on what to do when you forget to post on your blog. I was thinking to myself, “Typical male forgetfulness,” until I realized that it was written by a woman. #ironic

Restless Maria:

Full disclosure: I’m a capable and unflappable communications manager by day, and a rambling Restless Writer by night/weekend. Both roles mean I need to have a way with words. Sometimes I’m at a loss, so I defer to the following pros.

Grammar Girl
She’s the one to whom I turn (is that right?) when I can’t figure out if I should use a dash or an ellipsis, to get validation on my efforts to eradicate the old-fashioned habit of putting two spaces between sentences.

The insightful and entertaining writers at Copyblogger offer bang-on advice for writing excellent content that keeps readers coming back. Plus their post titles and analogies are cool.
Although the site and its newsletters are geared to professional communicators, I find the writing and editing tips to be helpful when I’m wearing my Restless Writer hat as well. I also enjoy reading about PR gaffes and social media snafus.

Restless Bjas:

The Liar’s Club
This is a blog by people who lie for a living (a powerhouse marketing partnership) of 13 Philadelphia-area authors, including two New York Times bestsellers, who basically lie for a living. These dudes are just plain cool.

A beautiful blog about one woman’s journey in search of an inner calm. Every post—thoughtful and poignant; it might just make you cry (in a good way!). Read her latest post: Focusing on the Light.

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Filed under Link Envy

Link Envy

A week ago today we posted our favourite links and started our day unaware of the devastation being unleashed on the Japanese people. The most important link you can click on today is this one, for the Red Cross Society of Japan. Money will immediately arrive where it is most needed. Another great link is this one, where you can order the shirt pictured. All proceeds benefit Save the Children: Emergency Response, Japan Earthquake & Tsunami Relief Fund: A GlobalGiving Project, Hands on Tokyo, and the American Red Cross, giving you basically no reason not to order one. Now go give a hug to someone you love.

Restless Lori:

A Working Mother’s Guide to Writing a Novel

I wish I’d read this piece by LA Times Television Critic Mary McNamara three years ago, but better late than never.

Ten Rules for Writing Fiction

The Guardian gets advice from such literary rock stars asMargaret Atwood (Take something to write on. Paper is good. In a pinch, pieces of wood or your arm will do) and Neil Gaiman (Remember: when people tell you something’s wrong or doesn’t work for them, they are almost always right. When they tell you exactly what they think is wrong and how to fix it, they are almost always wrong.).

Restless BJas:

Because I write middle-grade fiction and I’m a huge fan of the genre, I’m sharing a few of my fave MG sites:

From the Mixed up Files (
Awesome site and a terrific community for middle-grade authors, published or not.

Middle Grade Ninja (
Yep, more middle grade because that’s where it’s at! Plus awesome interviews with agents.

Class of 2K11 (
The Class of 2k11 is a group of 19 debut middle grade and young adult authors working as a team to promote our books and reading in general. Very cool and happening site!

Restless Maria:

Maria is out carousing with our favourite Word Bitches in Calgary, probably wearing this t-shirt.


Filed under Link Envy